Monday, 16 September 2013

I Must Confess

It's Monday, the day that most of us don't really like (and, if you ask me, a rather cr*ppy way to spend 1/7th of your life !!) and the day that Kirsty hosts I Must Confess over at My Home Truths.  This week the prompt is My Most Controversial Post but, as I am the most 'uncontroversial' person I know, I have decided that I would confess to the fact that :


I know that we shouldn't wish our lives away, and, on the whole I don't, but when I am at work, I absolutely hang out for the weekend. 

The two days of the week where, if I am able, I get to sleep in. 

The two days of the week where I get to exercise at times other than after work.

The two days of the week where I can plan on doing what I want (most of the time) when I want.

The two days of the week where I don't have to sit and wonder what my boss is going to ask me to do next.

The two nights of the week where I can go to sleep as late as I like (sort of) because I can sleep in.

I love my weekends and if I can score a long weekend occasionally, that is even better !!!!
What can you confess to this week ? 
Have you joined in with Kirsty ?
Have a great week !
TFTD : People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel - Maya Angelou


  1. I love weekends too, mainly because I can con hubby into getting up with the kids so I can sleep in ;)
    I also love your TFTD, Maya Angelou is one of my favourite living legends, so much so that I named my firstborn after her!

    1. Wow - what a tribute to Maya !!!!
      I think we probably all love weekends. Have the best week !

  2. Gotta love those sleep-ins! Even my Mr 4 already suffers from Mondayitis. Every Monday when he has to go to kindy he has a 'headache'! lol

    1. I can totally identify with Mr 4 !!!
      Have a great week.

  3. Weekends never last long enough, sleep ins and family time are just the best x

    1. That's exactly right - they are just not long enough. Not much beats sleep ins and family time !
      Have a great day !

  4. I love weekends - it's like a break from all things crappy, even if you still do crappy things...(though I get annoyed if I have to waste my weekends doing crappy things)
    Also LOVE Ms Angelou.

    1. I also hate having to do cr*ppy things on the weekend - a waste of good weekend time if you ask me.
      Have the best day !

  5. In case you're still having trouble with that Google Analytics code, I thought I'd leave a message to say I read your post, you controversy hound.

    And, if you're a Blogger blogger reading this and you're a dab hand at pasting stuff into php, Me might need some help!

    1. LOL - controversy is my middle name .................. not !!!
      Thankfully what I did last night actually worked - I just wasn't patient enough so when it said something to the effect that google analytics isn't updating because of the code, it actually was working and I just needed to be more patient !!
      Thanks again for your help and shout out - I really appreciate it !

  6. I always seem to run around like a chook with her head cut of on the weekends. So sometimes Monday's are a welcome sad isn't it. Maybe less socialising and more working is the answer. xxx Rae

  7. I love weekends too - no school run in the morning!

  8. I always seem to require another weekend to get over the weekend - there's a lot to pack into 2 days when you are at work across the other 5. I'm so looking forward to the day that I get to have a real sleep-in again...please let it be soon!

  9. I love weekends too! It means my husband is around to help with the kids and we can all get out and do fun stuff together :) Unfortunately, I can't remember the last time I had a sleep in. Bring on the teenage years, I say ;)

  10. The weekends are my most favourite time for all the reasons you suggested. I just need to work out how to work for 2 days and have 5 off, still earning the same money of course.

  11. Paul stays with us on the weekends so they are definitely my favourite part of the week!

    p.s I love the Maya Angelou quote.
    p.p.s I can't believe we didn't meet on the weekend!


I love getting comments - please feel free to leave a comment to let me know you were here !
Have the best day.

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