Friday, 23 September 2011

Big Tick for Target

On the weekend I bought two pairs of pyjamas.  For many years I have slept in old T-shirts and knickers and I decided that I would spoil myself and get some pj's to wear to bed.  So I did.  In my size.  I got home and tried them on for the family only to find that there was a hole in the side of one of the tops.  K went and changed it for me the next day as she was going to the centre.

When she brought it home I had worn the other top for two nights - it had stretched slightly so I thought that I would take the second top back and change it for a smaller size.  Absolutely no trouble at all for them - which was good seeing as it still had the ticket on and I had my docket (there would have been a few fireworks if I hadn't been able to swop it.)

Then last night I was tossing and turning in bed as A took to snoring no matter how he was lying - side, back, stomach - drove me nuts enough to go and sleep in the loungeroom.  The couch is not as forgiving as my sheets are and I found that my top had stretched so much I spend more time 'popping out' the front and sleeves than I did in my top.  Lucky I was on the couch by myself - no doubt if I had been in bed someone else would have noticed me popping out and taken advantage of it - not that I would have minded !!!!!!

I got to thinking - when I buy something, am I being unreasonable expecting it not to stretch to the extent that my pj top has stretched.  So, thought I would take it back, with my docket, minus the ticket which went with the recycling, and see what they say.  (Now I sound like my Gran BUT ANYWAY), what a lovely young guy served me - absolutely no trouble at all to take it back.  He told me I had a couple of options - I could swop it for the same size, swop it for a smaller size or get my money back - no questions asked, no attitude, no funny face that I had already worn it and was now bringing it back - absolutely nothing negative in the least - just a pleasure to do business with.  So much so I am going to write to Target to tell them how happy I am shopping there EXCEPT for the fact that you have to pay 10c if you want a plastic bag when you buy anything.  Most times, if I forget to take a bag, I just carry whatever I buy. Last weekend K and I spent about $150 between us on underwear and she said "No way are we walking out of here carrying these undies without a bag.  I'll pay the 10c for the bag." - and she did and I have used it since then for my trips to and from Target !

YAY for shops that make you want to go back to them !

Have a fantastic weekend everyone and take care.

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