Friday, 25 November 2011

Baskin & Robbins

Last night K piked on going to training so I went by myself - and I felt it !!!!  When there is only one of us to concentrate on H keeps an eagle eye as to form and what I am doing and corrects me so much more than when there are two of us to share between him. On one level I am grateful for this because it does make me more aware of how I actually perform the exercises but on another level it nearly kills me - but that is OK - I can feel this morning that I worked out last night and I like that feeling !

After I got home I cooled down and then had a shower before having some dinner.  A and I were sitting watching The Big Bang Theory (man that show makes me laugh) and I was busy trying to finish the blanket I am crocheting (because I want to get on and start the next one !) and I had a thought - wouldn't a B&R ice-cream go down really well right now ?  It was so hot and so humid after the rain all day.  I asked A if he was interested (Is the Pope a Catholic ?) and so off we went - me driving in my jarmmies (who were we likely to bump into anyway ?) because I wasn't going to get changed just to go down the road to get an ice-cream at 8.45 at night  and A doing the hop out, go in and buy and then hop in the car and off we went home.  I only had one scoop (very proud for saying Only One, Only One when I really wanted to say - Thanks Love, I'll have two scoops tonight !) and I savoured every single little morsel of it - it was delicious !  I figure I may have to go for a 10km run tonight to run it off but I thoroughly enjoyed it and do, to a certain extent, feel that life is not about complete abstinence.  I am still doing L&E and feel in control which is why I suggested having the ice-cream last night - because I knew I could say I'll only have one scoop and I knew that today I wouldn't stop at the shop and buy any extras to have at work seeing as I am alone in the office for most of the day.

Life is good !  We aren't going to the 7's rugby today - figure we have enough expenses to cover if we go ahead with the bathroom so will watch it at home on TV instead.  The sun is trying to come out this morning which is good because I dislike the gloom of rainy days but it also means that the humidity is going to go through the roof.  Tomorrow A is off on a brewery tour and I am catching up with a friend I haven't seen for ages, then I am going to have some 'Me' time - sitting and reading my book or watching some DVDs.  K and I are looking at going to see Breaking Dawn next week so that should be good.  I have heard mixed reviews about the movie so don't really know what to expect - whatever it is it will be good to spend the evening together.  I figure there aren't going to be too many more evenings together now that she is nearly 20 - it really isn't all that cool to spend the evening out with your Mom !!!!!!

Have a fantastic day and an even better weekend !

Love, hugs and positive energy.

TFTD : Character is the ability to win an argument without saying a word - Chard

1 comment:

  1. I too love the Big Bang Theory. It reminds me so much of J's partner and his friends and I mean that in a nice way.

    From experience, I have found the nice thing about daughters getting older is that "cool" doesnt even come into it. J still comes to the movies with me and we still meet for coffee. Not as often now that she has moved further away but whenever she is in the area coffee out is a definite goer.


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Have the best day.

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