Friday, 24 October 2014

Things I Know

I'll have to check if Ann of Help ! I'm Stuck fame is still hosting the Things I Know linky - if not, then this is just a post about things I know - otherwise I'll be linking in with her.

This week :

- I know that I am enjoying my running

- I know that while I'm not running as far or as fast as I would like, I'm slowly getting there (and I'm sure that if it wasn't for the hills I would be a lot closer !!!)

- I know that falling asleep at 7pm in front of the TV is not something that usually happens to me

- I know that getting up, showering and going to bed after above sleep, has left me feeling drugged the next morning - in fact, if I didn't know better, I would think that I had been drugged

- I know that I am SO happy it's Friday

- I know that I am so happy that the carpeting is finally finished and that it is only one set of shutters and changing the security screens that still has to happen

- I know that the council was put here to take my hard earned money and make me miserable

- I know that if you have a driveway on a plan in order to get into a property, you have to pay another $298 in order to get a licence to build the driveway

- I know that this p*sses me off because how else would you get onto the property ?

What do you know today ?
Have you linked in yet ?

Have the best weekend possible !!

TFTD :  No amount of money will make you happy if you aren't happy with yourself.


  1. Have a wonderful weekend Chick... and bugger about having to pay to build a freakin' driveway!

  2. Those hidden fees drive me up the wall too. It's cheating us as far as I'm concerned. Our council charges exorbitant rates. Way more than the Gold Coast I believe and we get nothing for it! My sympathies Linda.

    1. Thanks Pinky. It really annoys me that we have to pay this fee to cross from the road to our property - urrgggh councils !

  3. Man what a pain with the council. They sure know how to empty your pockets don't they?

    1. You can say that again Rhianna - the amount of money we have had to spend paying for this test and that test and this survey so that we can send them all in with the plans for building approval - a money making racket if you ask me !!!!
      You look like you are having the most amazing time - enjoy every minute of it !!!!

  4. Great to hear you are bad running, I am but very slowly! Cant wait until all your renos are over, over, over!

    1. Thanks and ME TOO !!!! Nearly nearly there !!!
      Have a wonderful day !

  5. I've been rather slack on the blog reading front, since merging Agent Mystery Case with Mystery Case, mainly due to being knee deep in coding and tweaking but I'm hoping soon that will change. Given that it's almost 4am and I haven't been to sleep, I may need to rethink my time management skills. Anyway, just wanted to ask if I could grab your blog button and include on our sidebar at Agent Mystery Case.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Raych - I hope that you are getting a bit more sleep now !!!
      Have the best week that you can !

  6. Yay for all the positives!!
    I love council logic, not!!

    1. Yes - their logic is certainly something to ponder when I have nothing to do because it defies explanation.
      Have a great day !

  7. Congratulations on your running! I can achieve falling asleep in front of the telly without running! So ner! Ahem... Anyway, sorry about those stoopid council fees. But, at least another Friday is on it's way! xo

    1. Thanks and YAY for another Friday on it's way - can't wait for it to get here !
      Have a wonderful week !


I love getting comments - please feel free to leave a comment to let me know you were here !
Have the best day.

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