Friday, 21 October 2011


Last night we left home for our warm up walk/run before going to training.  We started off walking and then, down the long stretch of road I said to K "Up for running?"  This probably was a stupid question to ask someone 26 yrs younger than me and a gazillion times fitter than me !!!!!  We ran about 12 lamp posts before I managed to gasp at the second to last lamp post in the road "Walking" !!!  Man she ran far too fast for me and I should have just slowed down and ran at my own pace but I didn't, I kept up with her and it nearly killed me !

We turned into the main road and one lamp post in I said "Going to run but you go ahead" - and off she went and I ran at a pace more suitable to me.  We got to training and I said "Geez Luv - you nearly killed me there" and she was all "What ?" - we all just laughed but it wasn't a great way for my legs to start training !!!!!!  I knew that my legs were going to feel it today after that run and then lunges and squats and a fair amount of kicking - the stairs this morning are not my friend.

We had someone coming to the house at 6.30 this morning to give us a price on getting our bathroom done so I set our alarm earlier so that we would be finished in the bathroom when he got there.  Then I spent a fair bit of the night checking the clock to make sure we hadn't overslept !!!!!  At about 4.20am the birds outside our window started chirping sweetly bloody screeching, then at about 5.15 they decided to go and annoy wake up some other poor unsuspecting soul and I dozed off until the alarm started beeping at me at 5.40am - man it is going to be a long day !!!!!!

I am off to meet the wonderfully talented Sass tomorrow who is designing a website for me - I am soooooooooo excited !!!!  Can't wait to see what she has done.

Tonight I am off for another run - hoping to have my tracker thingie working so that I can at least track how far and how fast I am running - I know that it isn't about the time but I love to know what time I am doing and whether or not I have improved on previous runs or not.  And then of course there is the 3rd place play off that I am not sure we deserve to be in but we are so will have to wait and see what they can pull out in the game tonight - surely they can't be any worse than the last two games they have played ?

On Sunday we will try to get around to look at bathroom things - shower doors, toilets, vanities and the like to see whether or not we can afford to do the renovation - and then work out how much of it we can do ourselves to save some money for Canada !!!!  In the evening it will be settle in time to watch RWC final - GO NEW ZEALAND !!!!!!

What are your plans for the weekend ?  Anything exciting ?

Love, hugs and positive energy !

Clarity of Sight

When you listen to your heart, you will clearly
 see how you need to live your life.
Focus on your life and how you wish to live it
as it is the only one you have.
Live it fully and lovingly.

Universal Symbols by Ken Dowling

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