I changed my eating plan and, for the next 30 days, am following the LEANing Challenge with We Are Slimming. This first week I lost 1.8kg which I am really happy with. The few kgs that I picked up while on holiday in NZ in August seem to be stuck with glue and I have been really battling to get them off. It looks like they might be coming off now.
This eating plan is very much like the 500cal/day that I did a few months ago except that you can have more than 500cal a day ! No dairy, no sugar, no carbs, no wheat, no soft drinks (which is killing me I have to be honest !!) BUT I am enjoying the food. It just means that I need to be more organised and better prepared as it isn't that easy to grab food on the fly. (Bugger, just remembered I left the avo to go with my lunch at home !!!) Oh well, at $2.50 per avo, it just means I can save a bit of money as I won't have to buy avos as soon as I thought I would !
The one downside of my week has been very little exercise - mainly because last week the weather was really cr*ppy and then on Friday when A and I were taking the dogs for a walk, I hurt my knee. Iced it Friday night and spent a lot of Saturday on the couch icing it. The good thing is that on Sunday it felt so much better that last night we went for a 45 min walk without it twingeing at all.
I am hoping to go for a short run tonight (weather permitting) before we fetch my folks to take them out to dinner for my Mom's 75th birthday tonight.
I would like to put a call out to whoever swopped my child, can you please not swop her back - ever - and I really do mean - ever !!!! This child (young adult ?) that I have that is helpful, considerate, patient and understanding is so different from the grumpy, cranky pants wearing child that normally resides in our home, and I would dearly love her to stay forever (or am I just living in cloud cuckoo land ?) I guess I will just be grateful for however long she stays !
I have committed to a new challenge with Tracey from Bliss Amongst Chaos for the month of November - 30 mins exercise per day. I know that all the people I have spoken to about training etc have advised me about how rest days are just as important as training days but I have figured that, if on a rest day I only just go for a walk with A and the dogs, it really isn't training, it is just getting out there and moving my legs and surely it won't hurt ? So if you are up for it - join it - the more the merrier !
Linking in with the lovely Jess from dairyofasahm for #IBOT for the very last time on this blog - good luck with your rebrand Jess - I am sure that your readers will follow you !
TFTD : The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss and have found their way out of the depths. These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.