Thursday, 11 April 2013

Thankful Thursday

It's Thursday which means it is time to link up with Leigh from Six By The Bay for Thankful Thursday.

I have so much to be thankful for this week - so, as always - in no particular order :

- I am thankful that K wasn't in her car when someone reversed into it at Helensvale shopping centre.  I am not thankful that they were real knuckleheads and drove off without leaving any details behind.

- I am thankful for another $150 visit to 'Maxine' because I found out there is a reason for my tiredness and weight gain.  I have insulin issues (I can't remember what the exact name was that she called it) and I have adrenal fatigue.  While I am not happy that there is something wrong with me, I am over joyed that we have started the process of finding out and resolving what is causing my tiredness and weight gain.

- I am thankful that the changes are things that I can do.  Lifestyle changes should see this come under control.  A paleo lifestyle is one that I am now embracing embarking on with some trepidation.  While I have 'sort of done paleo' previously, I wasn't 100% strict - if there was something that had wheat in and I really wanted it, I had it.  That is not the case now.  Maxine advised me that if I didn't change the way I ate, she could almost g'tee that, with whatever it is that my insulin is (or isn't) doing, I would be diabetic within 5-10 yrs.  That is not an option for me to even consider given that diabetes is a pre-cursor for just about any major health problem you can think of.

- I am thankful that the lady I work with is very knowledgeable about nutrition etc and has been a huge help and even given me recipes that I can use for meals.

- I am thankful to my on-line village - many of whom I have already started to pick their brains regarding paleo eating and adrenal fatigue.  If I could just stay focused enough in the evenings to do some research I would be extremely happy but generally by about 2-2.30pm my brain turns to mush and I am pretty much useless.  (I hope that they don't mind me picking their brains and if I become annoying they tell me !!)

- I am thankful that I can see adverts for runs and delete them without feeling like I am missing out on anything.

- I am thankful that the old people left South Africa last night and will be arriving home tomorrow morning, even if it means I need to get up before 5am to get to the airport on time.  While they thoroughly enjoyed the time they spent there with family and friends, my Mom said that she is really looking forward to coming home.  For a 75yo who lived in South Africa for 69 years, I think it is great that she sees Australia as home.

- I am thankful (again) for A who has been amazing on the two occasions we have been shopping since we found out what we need to do.  He makes sure that all labels are checked before the groceries go into the trolley.  Who would have thought that there was wheat in so many items ?

- I am thankful for the color run on Sunday morning.  I am doing it with a friend who is going through a bit of a tough time with her 19yo and I am sure that it will be a great way to release a lot of stress.

- I am thankful that we have a long weekend away at Lennox Head to look forward to at the end of April although now I am a little concerned about how I am going to deal with the whole food thing.  I feel that I don't have nearly enough information to try to handle a 4 day weekend away.

- I am thankful that we have been recording The Voice so I can fast forward through the annoying bits.

Have the best Thursday ever !

TFTD : Knowing is not enough, we must apply.  Willing is not enough, we must do - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


  1. What a bummer to have someone reverse into your car and what a blessing K wasn't in the car! I hope you can get all your health issues under control. I also have adrenal fatigue! I haven't heard of a paleo lifestyle. I'll have to do some research on Mr Google! Lennox Head is gorgeous - enjoy your weekend there! I've been watching the Voice (not recording). Hope next week is a great one for you also! Min xo

    1. Thanks Minsmash. I don't know if the paleo lifestyle will help with the adrenal fatigue - I have got some adrenal support from Mrs Flannery's as recommended by my dr. The paleo is to help because I am hypoglycemic.
      Can't wait for next week and our 4 days away !!!
      Have a great week !

  2. That car thing sucks!!! Hopefully not too $$. You will have a lovely time in Lennox head. Look small not big - know 8 meals and 4 breakfasts that will work. Easy!!
    And enjoy the color run. I'm so excited for you! So much fun!! But you've promised me pics, do don't forget (what? You think you didn't promise? It must have been after 2 and tou've forgotten)

    1. LOL - I haven't forgotten !!! I was quite disappointed when the color run was cancelled but then after the 1.4km that I walked on Monday night I was quite glad as I don't know if I could have finished. Hopefully by the time it is here again (waiting for re-schedule date) I will be feeling better and be able to take part.
      Have the best day !

  3. Lol @ fast forwarding through the annoying bits of the Voice. I suffered through some of it last year coz a friend was on it but as soon as he didn't get through that was it. I like the idea but I can't stand the way the network just ruins it.

    So glad to hear you've discovered some reasons for your health issues. When I had GD Dave was so good in making sure that everything I ate fit in to the super strict carb allowance and diet I was following and without his support I don't think I would have got through it.

    1. Isn't it great to have such fantastic support - certainly makes a huge difference to me.
      Have the best day !

  4. Wishing you well, that car prang is just wrong, people are so rude, happened to me once, they left their details, she was so nice. xxx

    1. How nice that she left her details - I don't get why people don't do the right thing. Accidents happen - just accept that and own up to it !
      Have the best week !

  5. Oh man the last quote rings true, actually working on what I know and doing!
    Lovely to see all your are thankful for L - just lovely. Not so great about someone backing into car. I was at Helensvale shops in car waiting for my daughter to wake and some randoms were walking past my car, having a laugh and just hit it hand/fist I was livid but didn't get out, some people are little respect for others these days. Em

    1. You are absolutely right - lack of respect for others and things that don't belong to them - knuckleheads !!!!
      Have a great week !

  6. So much gratitude, I love it!!!!! Adore Lennox Head, wish I could go there again soon. So happy to hear that you are getting answers and solutions. Must make you feel calmer. Enjoy the colour run, its supposed to be so much fun! Much love, Leigh xxxx

    1. For sure having some answers has just made it so much easier to deal with because now at least we know what / some of what we have to deal with. Can't wait for Lennox Head next week !
      It was a pity that they had to cancel the color run - hopefully I will be feeling better when they re-schedule it.
      Have a great day !


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Have the best day.

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